Monday, June 9, 2014

Language and Music for Baby in the Womb as Part of Pregnancy Care

The relationship between music and the speaking voice is a very close one. Both share many of the same elements, such as rhythm, pitch, and timbre. Music can then be a pre-cursor to language training. However, the mentioned elements of language are best captured in a series of tones that have been especially created to conform to the prenatal baby’s developing auditory skills.

In addition to soothing womb music, mothers can also expose their babies to a series of tones developed to help along a baby’s cognitive development. A prenatal education system, like that formulated by, has been found in various research to effectively teach the baby to distinguish among various tones, as his abilities progress in the womb. A program such as this ensures that the sounds the baby hears have been carefully arranged into a curriculum that provides optimum cognitive learning effects.

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