Monday, May 19, 2014

The Three Stages of Child Development

Having a child is definitely the best thing parents will ever experience in their lives. They will personally see the growth of their child from a small, vulnerable infant to a strong, responsible adult who makes sensible decisions for his own future.
Until that time, however, it is up to the parents to ensure that their young babies are guided well to become the proper adults they become. Here are some of the stages in a child’s life that a parent must take note of:

Children grow quite rapidly in their first year of existence. At first, they may not be able to move their own head, but they will have enough strength to sit up on their own by six months. Their speaking facilities will also start to form during the first year.
By the time children enter preschool they will have fully developed their basic motor skills and speaking capabilities. They become more aware of their peers and begin interacting with them in different ways. Their capability to imagine is also strengthened in this stage.
Grade School

From here on out until adolescence, children slowly make the transition towards relying less on their parents and more on their social groups. Their motor skills are also further developed to take on activities like sports or dance lessons. Their minds will also be more receptive to learn skills they will need throughout their lives.

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