Monday, April 28, 2014

The Sound of Learning: Education through Music

Babies learn from their environment with surprisingly effective results. Even from inside their mothers’ wombs, infants can recognize certain sensations to a degree, and can subconsciously learn from such experiences. Music is a favorite method for mothers to encourage their babies to learn a thing or two about sound, and hopefully enhance their brain development.

Some educators believe that music appreciation and education can begin as early as the early stages of pregnancy. Babies generally respond favorably to the sound of music being played against their mothers’ wombs. Studies have determined that with daily exposure, prenatal babies subjected to music calmed down faster and helped them recognize musical cues to a degree once born. Different kinds of music can be played to bring about such effects, and classical music is by far the most popular choice of them all.

It is hoped that through prenatal sound education, babies can become more musically inclined as they grow. Indeed, entire educational systems revolving around music encourage parents to play classical music to their prenatal child to begin their early training. Studies suggest that babies can already hear while inside the mother’s womb, and react positively to sound, so playing tune from time to time can aid in the development of the child.

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