Monday, July 14, 2014

What Babies Learn Before They Are Born

Many think that people first learn things when they finally go to school or when parents teach them how to walk and talk. In reality, learning actually happens way ahead all those things as babies get to flex their minds while they are still inside their mothers’ wombs. This may sound unbelievable and shocking for some, but a number of researches have led the medical and psychological societies to say that this is the truth.

But parents need to understand that learning, in this context, does not refer to arithmetic or memorizing trivia. The things that babies learn before they are born are more vital than any subject taught as schools – the skills needed to survive.

Babies get to recognize their mother’s voice even before they are born so they could tell who they can trust first. They also learn about which food are delicious and safe as what mothers eat during pregnancy affect what babies prefer after birth. Some studies even note that what mothers eat prepare their unborn children to what to expect in this world—either a life of abundance or that of austerity.

This makes it more important for mothers to take care of themselves during pregnancy as what happens to them can affect the way her child will develop. Parents need to work together to make sure that what their baby learns in the womb would be beneficial once he enters the real world.

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