Monday, July 14, 2014

What Babies Learn Before They Are Born

Many think that people first learn things when they finally go to school or when parents teach them how to walk and talk. In reality, learning actually happens way ahead all those things as babies get to flex their minds while they are still inside their mothers’ wombs. This may sound unbelievable and shocking for some, but a number of researches have led the medical and psychological societies to say that this is the truth.

But parents need to understand that learning, in this context, does not refer to arithmetic or memorizing trivia. The things that babies learn before they are born are more vital than any subject taught as schools – the skills needed to survive.

Babies get to recognize their mother’s voice even before they are born so they could tell who they can trust first. They also learn about which food are delicious and safe as what mothers eat during pregnancy affect what babies prefer after birth. Some studies even note that what mothers eat prepare their unborn children to what to expect in this world—either a life of abundance or that of austerity.

This makes it more important for mothers to take care of themselves during pregnancy as what happens to them can affect the way her child will develop. Parents need to work together to make sure that what their baby learns in the womb would be beneficial once he enters the real world.

Evidence that Playing Music for the Womb Works

Many people believe that playing music for babies while in the womb has a profound effect on their development, particularly on their brains. Unfortunately, concrete scientific proof of this is limited, mainly because of the difficulties involved in studying unborn children. However, there are some case studies from around the world which demonstrate the effects of this seemingly inexplicable phenomenon.

A study conducted by the University of Helsinki proved that playing music for the womb can improve a baby’s memory. In this study, the researchers instructed 12 mothers-to-be to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ five times a week, during the last three months of their pregnancy. When the babies were born, they were exposed to the music again, only this time some parts of it were altered. By reading their brainwaves, these babies quickly recognized the edited music, while those who weren’t exposed to the tune while in the womb didn’t see any difference.

This study was similar, but more-refined, to an earlier research conducted in 1991. As reported by the BBC, one-year-old babies who were exposed to classical music in the womb are easily calmed whenever they listen to the familiar tune, suggesting that this practice can help parents control restless children.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Early Learning for Your Baby Begins at the Fetal Development Phase

"In that sense, using a prenatal audio system like the BabyPlus can help jumpstart auditory learning and bolster brain function at various prenatal development stages. A newborn child’s brain weighs around 12 ounces but increases to 2.2 pounds by the time he or she turns a year old. The extra weight comes from the additional brain mass which develops within 12 months to produce the neurons that will handle specific body functions and cognitive skills."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Prenatal Music Gives Babies a Life Advantage

Music can have a profound effect on people’s brains, as many studies have found. It can reduce stress, improve cognitive ability, elevate mood, and help people perform better in high-pressure situations. Evidence is showing that music might be useful as a tool for stimulating the development of babies’ brains while they are still in the womb.

This idea is based around the recent discovery that the development of a prenatal baby’s auditory organs actually occurs quite early into the pregnancy. Researchers have found that at around 16 weeks, a baby gains the ability to perceive auditory queues and may even respond to them. Development of the brain is also elevated during this phase.

Mothers who regularly sing or read to their babies during their pregnancy often report that their children are better behaved than their peers and exhibit superior learning skills. Additionally, mothers who used prenatal sound systems— specialized equipment designed to direct sounds into a mothers’ womb during her pregnancy—have observed differences between children who were exposed to such systems as opposed to those who weren’t.

While the idea of using music to improve prenatal development and, consequently, affect children’s cognitive abilities after birth has yet to be studied in depth, what anecdotal evidence there is seems to support that fact. It is understandable, therefore, that parents would jump at the chance to give their children a competitive edge—because, realistically, what parent wouldn’t?

A Look into a Baby's Trimestral Growth

Human reproduction is a fascinating topic. Who would've thought, at the infancy of obstetrics, that two cells (sperm and egg) coming together would result in new life? The would-be mother carries the responsibility of nurturing the baby's growth until he or she grows big enough to be welcomed into the world.

Here's a rundown of what happens inside your womb every trimester during pregnancy.

Months 1 to 3
Doctors point out that the first trimester is the most critical stage of a baby's growth. Of course, the baby during the first trimester won't look anything like the real deal because his or her bodily features are still under development. By the end of the first trimester, the baby would have developed hands and feet, be between three and four inches long, and weigh around an ounce.

Months 4 to 6
Other features, such as teeth and hair, should start to grow during the second trimester. You should also start to feel some movement inside the womb; at this point, the baby would’ve developed basic motor abilities. By the end of the second trimester, the baby would be able to see the interior of the womb, be around 12 inches long, and weigh around 2 pounds.

Months 7 to 9

The baby's size and weight starts to increase dramatically due to the formation of fat inside the baby. In fact, his weight may double as early as month 7, and his length, in the run up to the delivery date. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Our Trusted Prenatal Care Product has Expanded Its’ Distribution in the Philippines!

At any given moment, millions of women around the world are pregnant and all of them recognize prenatal care as a factor that gives their child a head start in life. As the makers of BabyPlus—the number one fetal learning system on the market—we understand that expectant moms everywhere want to benefit from our product. That’s why we’re happy to announce that BabyPlus is now more widely available in the Philippines! This development is all thanks to Quirks Marketing, our exclusive distributor in the Philippines. With their help, the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System is now available in over a dozen online and brick-and-mortar stores across the archipelago. As such, Filipino mommies can now take advantage of our product’s ability to stimulate prenatal cognitive development.